Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The switch to Levenger

For years I've carried around a small notebook, one of the spiral bound that is almost a 3x5 card size. I've even got a nice leather cover for them somewhere at my Dad's house. I normally use the notebook to do things like take case notes, observations, grocery lists, etc. The most recent notebook had been so used and abused it was actually held together by duct tape.

While at the Denver SANS conference, I noticed one of the students was using a Levenger pocket briefcase to take notes. After seeing how well this system worked out for him, I decided to peruse the Levenger website ( and bit the bullet and ordered a black Levenger Flip Pocket Briefcase (|PageID=2458|Level=2-3#).

All I can say is the device is great. I carry it with me everywhere, keep case notes on it, and pretty much everything. I haven't abandoned my higher-tech devices such as the Blackberry, but the pocket briefcase is much more efficient for that on-the-spot information gathering.

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